Issue 12 | Sept 23, 2019
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Praying to their god to spare them
(Picture credit: Wikipedia) Have they not heard of King Canute? Education is desperately needed!

Now that we’ve completed a year since the launch of Insider, let’s start with the most important thing - a thank you to all our readers. Thank you for giving up time in your lives to interact with our mission of spreading secularism. We really appreciate this because moments are so precious in the twenty-first century—we are all drowned under cascades of media in the communications age.

August used to be known as the ‘silly month’ in the old days of print because most major sources of news were on holiday and trivia got published just to fill the pages. Not anymore: there are serious happenings now and many of them have religious connotations.

Trump continues to deny climate change while the Amazon rainforest burns. He does this to pander to his evangelical voters who imagine that their ‘benevolent god’ is in control. In Florida, where hurricane Dorian threatened his Mar a Lago golf club, what were Christians doing? Praying to their god to spare them!

In this issue we have some great contributions from our President, Vice President and Secretary, so please read on and, don’t forget, you can contact me here:
president's message
AAI Welcomes Another New Board Member

Welcome Cosmas Mashamba to the Board of AAI. Cosmas lives in Tanzania and is passionate about increasing awareness of humanism and secularism in his home country. He’s seen the worst that witchcraft can do after recent attacks on albino people in his region. Cosmas will take over the role of Affiliate Director and reach out to secular organizations around the world to join AAI in our goal of promoting atheism and protecting atheists.

September is a busy season; we’re working hard to complete our 2019 campaigns and looking forward to 2020. If you belong to a group of Atheists/Humanists/Rationalists and apply here to become affiliated now, you could suggest a campaign for next year and become eligible for our support.

The next few months are also the most important to AAI in terms of revenue. Currently, we are updating our merchandise and making sure we are taking full advantage of all the charity programs offered by Amazon, Paypal and others. Please help us make 2019 our best year ever by choosing us as your designated charity for these programs.

President Gail Miller



Regular readers may remember that we’ve been working on an ‘Atheists’ Rights’ proposal since late 2018. Today, atheists are one of the most discriminated against groups in the world, so our objective is to persuade international human rights organizations to amend treaties and declarations to explicitly recognize the RIGHT to be SECULAR.

Under the leadership of our Secretary, Howard Burman, a coalition of secular groups have honed the idea to a single paragraph and have introduced a logo to brand the campaign.

Now they need your help. They have set up a petition for the United Nations—we need to show huge support worldwide to get their attention. So PLEASE click the link below and sign the petition. Don’t stop there, share this with your friends and with any secular organizations you know of. This is IMPORTANT for atheists everywhere.

Click here to sign the petition and read more.
Bill Flavell
Vice President


US Ex-Muslims Campaign

Ex-Muslims of North America have launched the first ex-Muslim major media campaign. In Muslim-dense population areas of Atlanta, Chicago and Houston, billboards have been placed featuring some open ex-Muslims with the words: “Godless, Fearless, Ex-Muslim”. The billboard also references the recent Pew study indicating that 23% of Muslims raised in the USA have left the faith.

“We want everyone to know we are not afraid, that we will be open and proud. To this end, we’ve also been collecting videos of ex-Muslims coming out for the first time as public apostates. We will start releasing them this morning, with the hashtag #AwesomeWithoutAllah.”

Muhammad Syed President Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA)

Are you an ex-muslim? You can post your video here.


AAI World News Team in Action

Our team of World News reporters, led by AAI Board Member Manoj John, has started work, kicking-of with an article on Brazil. They report that newly-elected, highly religious, President Bolsonaro is stepping up the victimization of atheists and homosexuals. He wants to ignore Brazil’s secular constitution and ‘restore Christian values’ saying he is a ‘proud homophobic’. Read the article here.

Stop Press!
CEO of Humanists UK, Andrew Copson, just emailed, “We’re alarmed that the new Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has confirmed to the MP Sir Edward Leigh that his department is considering reviving Theresa May’s old plans to allow 100% religious segregation in new faith schools – an educational apartheid dividing up even more children in England than ever.” The battle to prevent sectarian state funded schools was won once but, while Parliament is prorogued, they’re trying to sneak it through unopposed! AAI supports the Humanists UK campaign to prevent new faith schools.

Stop Press 2!
We have been accepted by and will be blogging on that platform soon. This will give us a great opportunity to launch our new Podcasting initiative on our Youtube channel!


Atheist book recommendation
50 Reasons People Give for Believing in God
by Guy P Harrison

This book is a basic non-believer’s handbook. You will find in this book all the common reasons, and most of the lesser-known ones, that theists offer in an attempt to justify their God-belief—all rebutted in a way that is easy to read and digest.

Harrison’s approach is to keep it simple without being condescending. If you’ve studied philosophy, this is not the book for you but for the rest of us, it’s a valuable resource that should be kept on your smartphone at all times!

I speak to believers every day and rarely encounter more than five arguments for God. With 50 arguments Harrison covers all the bases and, I don’t think I’m giving the game away if I reveal that none of the 50 arguments hold water!

This is an excellent book for new atheists and for doubting theists. And the simple and non-confrontational style makes it an ideal gift for the persistent theists in your life.

Bill Flavell
Vice President

Buy it on

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We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if your old password doesn't work, just click on the lost password link.

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