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David Orenstein resigns as President

Today David informed the board Secretary that he wishes to step down from his role as President.

David was elected to the board by AAI affiliates on May 20 this year and elected to the role of President at a board meeting two days later.

David’s resignation letter to the Secretary said,

“Please express to the Board my absolute sorrow. When I accepted the role of President on May 22, I was aware of the governance issue that have been raised. I have done sufficient due diligence to know it is hugely overblown and that AAI is an honourable organization doing wonderful work for atheists. I believed, and still believe, the allegations can be tackled head-on.

A governance issue arose in 2018 and the board made a sincere effort to put it right, an effort that was accepted by AAI affiliates. However, new issues relating to the recent board elections have been raised that are completely without merit and amount to a concerted campaign to destroy AAI with distortions of the truth and outright lies.

But battling such a torrent of misinformation is stressful and wearing and my medical history means I have to avoid stress for the sake of my health. I returned home from a trip to the UK on Thursday feeling exhausted and physically ill.

After talking with my family we agreed resignation was the only sensible way forward. So, it is with a heavy heart that I take my leave of AAI. I respect you as individuals, I respect your work and your achievements and I will continue to support your mission financially.”

This is a sad day. David brought many valuable capabilities to the board as well as an engaging and friendly personality. We will miss him but we understand his decision.

A further announcement will be made in due course.

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