
Are we made in God’s image?

I regularly jog past a Planned Parenthood center on my running route. Unless it’s raining (I guess “baby killing” is ok on rainy days) there is always a handful of protesters out-front, typicall...

Christian time travel

It dawned on me this morning that most Christians believe in a form of time travel. Either that, or they don’t truly believe in the concept of free will. Somehow, in the theology of almost all Christi...

Five days that unravel the Bible

Let’s for a moment assume that God is real, and let’s take the Genesis creation story at face-value. Many people believe that Moses was the author of the book of Genesis but I wonder where...

Put up or shut up

In 1687, Isaac Newton published his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (in English, “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”). In this ground-breaking book, he propose...

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