
The Greek government will once again waste taxpayers’ money on a medieval scam.

(Article in Greek below / Το άρθρο στα Ελληνικά ακολουθεί) The Greek government will once again waste taxpayers’ money on a medieval scam. According to recent publications, the Greek government ...

Greek Court Recognises Atheism as Ground for Asylum

Ali (not his real name), was born to a Sunni Muslim family in Pakistan. He grew up a practicing Muslim but, in 2015, horrified and repulsed by the Taliban’s atrocities against innocents, he left Islam...

AAI-supported campaign for secular education in Greece

On February 15, 2021, the First Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) posted on its publicly accessible website the fact that it had notified the Government of Greece of the applicatio...

Another Victory for Our Greek Affiliate

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on Thursday upheld a complaint from the Atheist Union of Greece (AUG) and two families that the Greek State violates two fundamental human rights in its proc...

Repealing blasphemy laws in Greece

AAI affiliate, The Atheist Union of Greece, has been campaigning for some years to have the country’s blasphemy laws repealed. Now the government is proposing changes to the Greek Penal Code and...

The Holy Light scandal

An interview with Fotis Fragopoulos Fotis Fragopoulos graduated in Business Administration and works as an accountant and consultant. He is a founding member of the Atheist Union of Greece and preside...

Greek atheists protest ‘Holy Light’ funding

Greek Atheist Union Protests ‘Holy Light’ Transport Funding Greek Orthodox tradition has it that on the day preceding Orthodox Easter when a blue light emanates from Christ’s tomb, the Patriarch of Je...